Most Popular Holiday Events in OKC: Downtown in December 2023

The most wonderful time of year has arrived!

Downtown in December, presented by Devon Energy, a three-month-long period packed with holiday-themed events is finally here. Head to downtown Oklahoma City this holiday season for outdoor attractions, performing arts, holiday shopping, family activities, toasty treats and refreshments, stunning light displays, and much more!

These holiday-themed events used to be a few dwindling traditions meant to get people of all ages to come downtown during the holidays. However, due to the events and activities growing in demand, in 2002, the Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership took over the holiday events and added them all under one large umbrella, naming it Downtown in December.  

Over the years, Downtown in December was extended from November until January to allow for more time to enjoy the holiday festivities. Successfully continuing to give everyone a reason to keep heading downtown during the holiday season. Head downtown to take in all the wonderful winter happenings during  Downtown in December this year.

Keep scrolling to see what will be included for the 2023 Downtown in December season!

Downtown in December, presented by Devon, is produced by Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership with generous support from Devon Energy, the Downtown Business Improvement District, and other sponsors and partners. 

Downtown in December's Signature Events

Additional events and ways to shop during Downtown in December

Additional events by our partners and sponsors 

November 15-December 29: Red Earth Treefest
November 24-December 24: Lyric’s A Christmas Carol
November 24-December 23: ArtAfloatOKC Caroling Cruises 
November 25-December 31: A Very Vintage Christmas at Katiebug’s 
November 25: Small Business Saturday
November 26: OKC Phil’s “Home Alone” in concert
November 25-January 1: Tis the Season at Scissortail Park
December 1-2: OKCPhil’s A Very Merry Pops
December 2: Oklahoma Opry Christmas Show
December 2-3: First Americans Museum Winter Holiday Art Market
December 2-23: Saturdays in December at OKCMOA
December 2-24: The Skirvin Hilton Holiday Events
December 3: American Banjo Museum’s Candy Cane Christmas
December 3: Canterbury Voices Presents Handel’s Messiah
December 6: The Melting Pot’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Ladies Night Out
December 8-10; 15-17: OKC Ballet’s The Nutcracker
December 9: Deck the Hall of Fame
December 10: OKC Community Chanukah Celebration
December 30: OKCMOA’s Noon Years Eve
December 31: The Melting Pot’s New Year’s Celebrations

There’s something to see and experience every day during Downtown in December.  Get in the holiday spirit with traditional nostalgic holidays events and getting your shopping done in downtown this year.

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