Learn more about the BID-funded Green Team which provides supplemental cleaning and safety services within the six downtown neighborhoods of the Downtown BID.
Billy Lewis – Chair
Tim Johnson – Vice Chair
Brittany Ali
Carrie Blumert
Geoff Butler
Jenna Byrnes
Joe Carr
Jason Clark
Sean Cobb
Rick Dowell
Chris Fleming
Gina Foxhoven
Megan Gelmers
Todd Griffin
Shane Hampton
Chad Huntington
David Kinnard
Steve Mason
Anthony McDermid
Richard McKown
Melinda McMillan
Joanna McSpadden
Clay Moss
Cindy Murillo
Jennifer Nakayama
Jim Parrack
Jonathan Russell
Heather Scott
Gina Sofola
Avis Scaramucci
Wade Scaramucci
Tim Strange
Chuck Wiggin
BID Advisory Board Meetings
2023-24 Fiscal Year
Meeting location and details to be sent out in advance. Meetings are held at 9am.
Public attendees can request to attend BID Advisory board meetings by emailing Jennifer Nakayama.
The mission of the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) is to manage, maintain, and market the downtown area. The BID Advisory Board (BID Board) shall promote the fulfillment of the requirements of the agreement between Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership (DOKC) and the City of Oklahoma City by recommending a strategy for managing and providing enhanced services within the BID to the DOKC Board of Directors, DOKC staff, and City Council.
Please direct any questions about your assessment invoice or BID services to Downtown Oklahoma City Partnership. To expedite the process, please have your parcel number ready. This is found near the middle of your invoice and begins with the letter “R” followed by 9 numbers. Call our office at (405) 235-3500 or email Phi Nguyen, Chief Operating Officer, at
Frequently Asked Questions
The invoice is for your property’s assessment or tax as a part of the Downtown OKC Business Improvement District (BID). Properties within this designated area pay a special assessment for the maintenance, development, and promotion of downtown and their specific district. Assessments are billed by and collected by the City of Oklahoma City.
BID assessments are mainly driven by the net assessed value of the property. Additional factors include the property’s frontage (linear feet that faces the street), street-level services (such as landscaping and maintenance), district classification (Automobile Alley, Bricktown, Midtown), and access to amenities (Canal or Underground).
A property’s BID assessment can vary year to year due to but not limited to the following variables: change in net assessed value of the property, change in level of street-level services, change in level of maintenance, development, and marketing services.
Assessments are invoiced annually on an October 1- September 30 fiscal year.
Payments can be made in person at the City of OKC Treasury Department (420 West Main) or mail your payment directly to the City of OKC to the address shown on your invoice. Do not send payments to the Water Utilities lockbox. The proper mailing address is 420 W. Main St, Suite 120, Box 3, OKC, 73102. Unfortunately, the City of OKC does not have the capability to collect payment over the phone or online. Due to COVID, access may be limited to City buildings, so we recommend mailing in payments.